Sunday, January 21, 2007
What Causes Zits ?
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
What Causes Zits ?
by Jean Simmer
What causes zits is the question asked by many young people who suffer from zits and not just adolescents - many adults suffer the problem. Normally zits are caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium. This gets trapped in clogged skin pores (or hair follicles) more often on the face but can also be on other parts of the body. The bacteria produces enzymes which it uses to break down the sebum (the oil produced by the body's sebaceous glands) and in this process it blocks / clogs up the skin pore. The enzymes show as inflammation/redness in the affected area and are generally know by young people as zits.
The inflammation shows up as zits and is known as superficial acne. If the inflammation is deeper within the skin and pores resulting in cysts (large red lumps) it is known as cystic acne.
So typical zits are the result of an imbalance in the glandular production of the sebaceous gland that secretes directly onto the skin.

There are many forms of zits which explain why it is so difficult to treat acne. Essentially, zits are a result of blocked skin pores. Zits are not caused by stress, as you may have thought, but are more likely to be attributed to poor diet and lack of exercise and fresh air.
The excess oil / sebum is actually a by-product of testosterone production in the body of adolescent boys going through puberty; in women, the hormonal changes occurring before the menstrual cycle may also cause sporadic outbreaks of zits.
Another cause of zits has been traced to diets and the lack of essential fatty acids. The body needs a specific quantity of essential fatty acids to remain in balance and the everyday Western diet does not provide a sufficient amount for most young people, whereas trans-fats and other nonessential fats are found in large quantities and it is this imbalance in the fat ratio that tips the scale in favor of excess production of sebum, leading to outbreaks of zits.
Certain chemicals & drugs may also be factors in the appearance of zits. Any drug that has added hormones or that changes the hormonal balance of the body is a possible cause.
Overall good health is essential to be zit free and this includes a healthy diet, gentle but effective skin care and decreased exposure to chemicals and drugs which may affect the natural hormone levels of the body.
On the other hand, adult acne may be caused by hormonal imbalances, pollution, medications or stress to name just a few. Studies have shown a direct correlation between hormonal imbalances and outbreaks of zits in women ranging in age from 30 to 40 years.
Other forms of acne zits include:
-Cosmetic Acne - caused by the active ingredients in the cosmetic being used. -Acne Conglobata - usually due to hereditary factors. -Acne Detergens - the use of soaps and cleaners that cause an irritating effect to the skin. -Acne Excoriee - brought about by the constant picking of the zits on the face and body. -Acne Mallorca - caused by exposure to sunlight. -Acne Mechanica - caused by materials & fabrics -Acne Neonatorum affects infants and is transferred by way of hormones from mother to child -Acne Pomade - caused by the use of oils found in hair care products. -Acne Fulminans, Acne Keloidalis and Acne Medicametosa are other forms of acne
Zits can generally be prevented / reduced by simple measures: ensure you eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water and/or fruit juices. Ensure your face is cleansed at least twice a day, removing the excess oil and dead skin cells to ensure the skin pores do not become blocked and hence infected. Avoid touching your face as you hands harbor bacteria and transferring it to your face will simply increase the chances for infection.
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Are Your Scars Bringing You Down?
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Are Your Scars Bringing You Down?
by Louise Forrest
Are you plagued with scars? Do you look at them and feel like they define you? When you meet a new person, you may feel like your scars are the first thing they see. Although most people do not see someones scars as a definition of the person, we tend to feel that way about our own scars. So, what can you do about it? Can you get rid of your scars or will they always be there? The globe is covered with people who would like to have scars removed for a variety of reasons; most of these concern self esteem and confidence levels.
Acne pock marks are probably the most common facial scars and affect more people than any other type of scar. These scars, because they are directly on the face, affect your sense of self esteem and that of many other people around the world. Many people who were acne sufferers choose to try a variety of treatments in an attempt to remove, or at least reduce, the scarring from their previous skin condition. It is important to realize that the change in your face is not going to be enough to make you feel completely confident. You will have to retrain your thought processes about yourself. This can be done with or without scar removal.

How well scars can be removed will depend on your age, the age of your scars, and the location, nature, and severity of your scars. There are a variety of procedures available to you if you choose to have your scars removed or reduced professionally. These include: Chemical peels, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, and surgical excision. For light, surface scars, chemical peels (light) and microdermabrasion are often used. More intense scarring will need to be removed through other means, such as laser resurfacing or surgical excision. Between the two extremes, you will find that chemical peels can be strengthened and are often used with a strength that is customized for the severity of your scar.
Everybodys scarring process is different, just as we are. You may get scratched by a cat and have the slightest scar, if any. Should that same cat scratch me, the scar will be obvious against tanned skin, much more pronounced than yours. This would be partially genetics, which map out the various processes of our bodies, but it would also be due to the fact that I am allergic to cats. My body will be trying to fight allergens that entered the skin when I was scratched at the same time that it was trying to heal the scratch. When your body has only one thing to focus on at a time, it (like many of us) is much more efficient at that task. This is not to say that everybody who is allergic to cats will be scarred from scratches; in all actuality, few people have lasting scars from cat scratches.
There are also treatments that you can purchase in cream form without a prescription. These treatments work very slowly over time, so you will need to be prepared to treat your scar daily (at least once, some directions are twice or more), and be prepared to treat for many months. If you choose to do this, you will need to know that the changes are so slow that you will not notice them from one day to the next. You may want to take a picture about once a month to compare and see the progress. By doing this, provided the treatment is working, you will be motivated to continue the treatment. Seeing the change from one month to the next also helps lift your mood, knowing that your efforts are paying off.
Whatever method of scar removal you choose, keeping your skin healthy will be an integral part of the healing and changing process. The first thing that you should look at is your fluid intake. You should be drinking, at least, 64 ounces of purified water and natural fruit juices every day. This will infuse your skin with necessary internal moisture and will have a great impact on toxin removal in your skin. Like the cat scratch example, these toxins in your skin will slow your healing process, sometimes by a considerable amount of time. You also need to take a serious look at the foods you are eating every day. Our articles on diet and skin will help you reorganize you eating habits for optimal skin health.
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Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great Free Beauty Tips from Natural Elements. In just seconds you can access over 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. You can now get the very latest information on Facial Scars by subscribing with RSS
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A Few Critical Tips for Acne Skin Care
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
A Few Critical Tips for Acne Skin Care
by Billie Ray Martin
Acne skin is a condition usually affecting people with oily skin, though in some cases it is found even in dry skin. Acne develops when the skin pores gets clogged with grime and oil. Hence, the first acne skin care tip would be to keep the skin quite clean at all times.
Controlling Acne Need not be an Uphill Task
You will definitely find many tips, some exceptionally good, for controlling acne on the internet. You will observe, though, that the basic thing will always be keeping the skin clean and oil-free. In order to achieve this, you will need to develop a keen sense of anticipating and eliminating any formation of oil on the face and hair (since the oiliness of the hair spills over and provokes acne formation).

Acne Skin Care Tip # 1
Develop the habit of washing your face often with plain water as often as you can, but especially after exercise, work in the house, coming from market, or any such slightly strenuous exercises. The skin will hence remain hydrated, while at the same time stay free of oil and grime that could clog the pores and form acne.
Acne Skin Care Tip #2
Shampoo you hair often - if need be do it every day, so you will not risk having the oiliness of the hair spill over your face and thus form acne on the face. It is very important that you understand the correlation between the oil and the formation of acne, and prevent it at all costs.
Acne skin care Tip #3
Forget about a skin tan forever if you have an oily face. Recent studies show that sun burn cause not only acne, but also skin cancer. Hence, if you find yourself too often working outdoors, it would be a great idea to use a good sun-screen. As it is, the suntan also fast-forwards wrinkle formation, so you are better off without this "luxury."
Acne skin care Tip #4
If you use makeup, always go for cosmetics that are non-comedogenic, i.e. which do not allow pores to close which in turn prevents acne formation from clogged pores. Needless to say, you should never use any oil-based makeup if you have acne-prone skin.
Acne skin care Tip #5
Use a pore deep cleansing face pack which will keep the skin radiant with health and cleanliness. This can be done once every two weeks, though it could be done once a week for best results. While we are on the matter of face cleaning, you should ensure that your face wash prevents oil formation. Your face is sure to be acne-free with the right care.
About the Author
Billie Ray Martin is an expert on beauty and fashion topics and one of the writers of She has put up a site about skin care at
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Friday, January 19, 2007
Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Get Rid Of Acne
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Get Rid Of Acne
by Gray Rollins
As anyone who has ever suffered knows, acne can be a debilitating condition, causing humiliation and embarrassment for the sufferer. Often the plague of adolescence, acne can also give rise to deeper psychological problems. Many sufferers feel a low self esteem, and left with little self-respect. Furthermore, it is a difficult condition to treat indefinitely, although there are a few natural remedies which have proven to be successful in treating the condition.
Acne is a recognised medical condition, and there are treatments available on prescription from your doctor. Additionally, you can buy a variety or medications over the counter, and there are countless books and programs for you to follow, although their success very much varies. It's really a case of trying and experimenting until you find things that suit you. Of course, by making some lifestyle alterations, you could help your condition.
The first thing you can do to work on reducing acne is to alter your diet. A healthy diet has been proven to help improve complexion, and it is clearly not going to hinder your condition. Try building your diet around a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fat in proportion, and combine with healthy foods and snacks. Try to eat a healthy balance and consider everything in moderation. Additionally, why not consider a daily vitamin supplement to boost your immunity and the condition of your skin. Add fruit and vegetables wherever possible, and drink plenty of water. Keeping your body hydrated will have a substantial impact on the appearance of your skin.
Whilst configuring a diet plan to improve your acne you may also want to think about cutting out oily and fatty foods. These can lead to excess grease in the pores which ultimately contribute to acne. Additionally, you should think about using cleanser and other cosmetic products to keep your skin fresh, whilst not greasy. The products are out there, so experiment to find something that suits you and your skin type.
Acne is a terrible condition, and sufferers can feel tremendous loss of self worth, with no clear way out. Fortunately, there are a variety of remedies both natural and synthetic and they come in a variety of different forms to help your condition. It doesn't have to be the end of the world, but with a sensible and persistent approach, you should cut out the bulk of the problem.
About the Author
Gray Rollins writes for If you're interested in learning about how you can be acne free in 3 days, then please visit us. Also learn some great acne prevention tips.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
Top Home Remedies For Acne
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Top Home Remedies For Acne
by Ashish Jain
Fortunately, home remedies are a paradise for treating acne. There are many effective home remedies for acne and that too according to the type of acne you are suffering from.
But before you use any home remedy for your acne, you must understand the nature of acne breakouts. Acne is not a skin condition. When acne appears on your skin, your skin is just suffering because of the duty assigned to it to expel the bodily impurities within. In the process, it contributes its humble mite to save the various tender and vital body parts within.
Acne is not interested in establishing a permanent abode on your skin. It will vanish the moment you are internally pure. Now this statement is not meant to negate the external medication for acne.
Factors like the wrong food habits and improper care of the skin, natural hormonal change are usually responsible for the appearance or attack of acne. The skin cells seep the essentials within the medicine and thus contribute to certain extent to restore the health of the skin.
Here is a list of top home remedies for acne:
1.Take some fresh milk and grind nutmeg and apply the paste on the affected area. This is supposed to be a wonder solution. Without leaving a mark, acne, pimples and zits will go the way they arrived.
2.Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with three tablespoons of honey. This paste should be routinely applied on the affected area for about a fortnight. And pimples should go for ever.
3.Or, alternatively mix one teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder and apply this mixture on the pimple affected area.
4.Application of fresh garlic juice on and around the pimple is highly beneficial. The juice will not let the pimple leave any mark on your face.
5.You will get similar results by the application of orange peel paste.
6.Lime juice works well on pimples with several combinations. Mix it with one tablespoon groundnut oil. Now, applying this will block the formation of blackheads and pimples.
7.Fresh mint juice is known as the panacea for pimples, scabies, skin infections, insect stings and eczema.
8.Paste of fenugreek leaves on the face, even if you don't have pimples, helps to improve the skin health. It is very good to prevent blackheads, pimples and wrinkles.
9.Any paste made by fruits and vegetables like tomato, cucumber or papaya, if applied on the face, and retained for 15 minutes and washed thereafter improves the skin health and blocks the future breakouts.
The list of home remedies for pimples is endless. You need to try and pursue the line of natural treatment that suits you best. Let that be your firm conviction, for acne can be treated without any hard medications, drugs and injections.
About the Author
The author writes about a number of different topics. For more information on home remedies visit and also visit the article pages: and
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Monday, January 08, 2007
Clearing and Treating Your Acne
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
by Tam Shelton
by Tam Shelton
Acne is a common skin condition in teenagers and adults. Most people tend outgrow their acne problem by their late 20's; however, many women can continue acne problems through their 40's. Since our skin is our body's largest organ, it can be prone to several conditions, including acne.
Acne is a complex condition that can involve several parts of the body. Acne usually shows up as eruptions on the face and else where on your skin. This is usually your indication that there are problems within your body and acne is prone to occur. Acne can be caused by a toxic colon, poor food digestion, potentially weak liver and conditions that may cause the blood to carry high toxins. Acne typically occurs on the face but is known to occur on the back, chest, shoulders and neck. Acne is caused from impurities and imbalances within the body, For this reason, we treat the acne problems with cleansing treatments that goes right to the source and fights acne before it even begins. Whiteheads and blackheads are clogged bacteria in pores and cause acne.
To clear and treat acne, there are several things you must do because you should not expect acne to go away instantly in one treatment. There are several creams on the market and sometimes using your acne cream treatment can clear your acne, but this is rare, for acne is recurring. When you control your stress levels, you help control the stress hormone which causes acne. You need to get your ample amount of fresh air and sunshine daily to control acne as well. Prevention and treatment advice from a dermatologist for how to handle acne is important. Many basic steps can help you improve and control your acne. You should be careful not scrub any acne breakouts, for this can aggravate and make the acne problem worse and leave acne scars.
Over the counter acne creams, well planned diets and herbal treatments, and colon cleanse systems are some of the many actions needed to help treat and clear acne. It will take a combination of several steps to clear acne. It's important to use natural products on your skin to prevent acne. Avoiding hair care products such as gels, mousses, and cream can help reduce acne.
More information on acne the cause of acne and acne treatments can be found at
About the Author
Tam Shelton
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Do You Desire A Clear Youthful Complexion
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
by Thomas Francis O`Connor
Do you want an ageless skin, a flawless smooth complexion?
When you see a person whose skin appears ageless, you want to know their secret. Almost everyone wants to keep a youthful glow and healthy skin as they age. One way to do that is through omega 3 supplements.
One part of your body that you absolutely cannot let go, but many people do not think of is your skin. Your skin is the largest and most protective organ in your body.
Skin care is such an important part of our lives, but quite often we do not really think about it. If you want to look and feel forever young and vibrant then a perfect, flawless, honeydew skin is a priority for your ever-charming youth and vitality!
The secrets of skin moisturizer supplements will surprise many. Most people mistakenly think aging skin care starts on the outside. But, while it's important to avoid outdoor skin damaging sun, wind and dry air. The right skin moisturizer supplements, working from the inside, means that you will never have to depend on outer moisturizers again.
Essential fatty acids like omega 3 supplements are the answer to dry, itchy or prematurely aging skin. When nutritious oils are in your diet, your skin has a natural defence against the elements. You're secretly enveloped in a protective layer that has the magical ability to replace itself daily.
Frequent consumption of omega-3-fatty acids found mostly in fish oil is the secret to a flawless complexion. Omega-3 fish oils will have a significant improvement on your skin. Not only will it be moisturized, but the nutritious oils also help prevent fine lines, rough, red, itchy skin, age spots, acne and wrinkles.
Oily fish omega-3 oils is a great source of protein to regenerate collagen and elastin, these are essential to keep the skin subtle and hydrated.
Pumping up the levels of essential fatty acids in your system supplies a multitude of health benefits including helping the health of your skin. The essential fatty acids in fish oil hydrate skin from the inside out.
In addition, essential fatty acids have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties, which means they help those with sensitive skin and those that suffer from more serious skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea. As well these skin conditions, anyone interested in anti-aging will benefit from this amazing nutrient.
"Essential fats make up the membranes of our skin cells and a lack of these essential fatty acids is another cause of dry skin. We need to keep our skin well oiled from the inside by eating foods that contain these essential fatty. An added bonus is its ability to help clear skin and keep you moisturized." Nourishing your skin from the inside is far more effective in anti aging terms than nourishing your skin from the outside. This may sound logical, but many people still feel that by rubbing in some miracle skin cream they will look younger quickly and end up disappointed.
Because what they are using on their complexion is mineral oil, a key ingredient in almost all skin care products, which actually depletes the body of vitamins A, D and E, which happen to be the nutrients especially important for your skin.
"Essential fats make up the membranes of our skin cells and a lack of these essential fatty acids is another cause of dry skin. We need to keep our skin well oiled from the inside by eating foods that contain these essential fatty. An added bonus is its ability to help clear skin and keep you moisturized."
From Tom O`Connor, Omega-3 http://www.1st-Omega-3.Com
About the Author
Tom O`Connor is an expert on the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids. http://www.1st-Omega-3.Com.
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Friday, January 05, 2007
How to Get Rid of Zits
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
by Julia Verne
For those that came for the instant download on how to get rid of zits please go to the download page at get rid of those Damn Pimples!
Everybody else please read the article below.
Let's cut to the chase. Getting rid of zits is a seriously problem for many. Below are some home remedies and over the counter products you may want to try.
Toothpaste - put a dab of toothpaste on the zit and leave it there overnight. Gently wash the toothpaste off the next morning with warm water. Do this every night until the zit disappears.
Garlic - rub a clove of garlic on and around the zit daily until the zit disappears.
Washing - wash your face 2 or 3 times a day using a mild soap and warm water. Don't over wash your face as that will irritate the zit and the skin surrounding it.
Benzoyl Peroxide - is an over the counter anti-bacteria medication that is used to combat the bacteria that causes zits. You can find Benzoyl Peroxide in over the counter products such as Clearasil and Oxy-10.
Salicylic Acid - is a drug that removes the outer layer of skin and is used to combat various skin conditions such as acne. You can find Salicylic Acid in such over the counter products such as Stri-dex, Clearasil Clearstick, and Oxy Night Watch.
There are hundreds of methods and products out there to get rid of zits. If you use an over the counter product make sure you read the ingredients on the label and follow the instructions.
If you have a more severe case of the zits you may want to consult with your doctor or a dermatologist or find a method more substantial than the home remedies and products mentioned above.
What ever you do to combat zits make sure you follow through with it on a daily basis. Just because a zit disappears doesn't mean it won't come back.
(c) All rights reserved.
About the Author
Instant download for how to get rid of zits at get rid of those Damn Pimples!
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Thursday, January 04, 2007
Proactive Skin Care Products - a Real Answer to a Difficult Problem

Acne is often seen as something of a trifling problem, a few zits that complicate a teenagers already confusing life, but nothing that’s going to kill them – and, of course, they’ll grow out of it! Anyone who has ever suffered with acne however, whether as a teenager, or as one of the growing number of people who develop the skin condition during their adult years, will tell you that the problem is not quite so trifling. This is why so many of these sufferers have greeted the arrival to the market of Proactive skin care products with such enthusiasm. Most acne sufferers have spent years trying cleanser after cleanser in order to find something that will really make a difference – and now customer testimonials would seem to indicate that they might at last have found their answer in Proactive skin care products.
A quick review of any acne sufferers’ online forum or discussion group will highlight the usual fact that widely differing things tend to work for each individual – but the Proactive acne solution increasingly boasts a marked improvement in skin quality for a large range of sufferers. For many years, acne patients have searched long and hard – enduring the continuation in the meantime of a problem that can be physically painful and socially debilitating – for a product that would make a real difference in the quality of their skin and their self confidence, and it seems that Proactiv might just have found the right combination of ingredients to achieve just that.
The core products in the Proactive acne treatment are a cleanser, a toner, and a repairing lotion, which utilize what Proactiv calls a unique combination therapy. This means that the ingredients in each element of the Proactive acne solution work collectively in order to improve the condition of your skin. And while many of the acne products available can reduce the number of blemishes on your skin, most of them are harsh and astringent, which can dry out your skin. The Proactive acne treatment however improves the whole look and feel of your skin, not only working on your acne, but also giving the soft healthy looking skin that acne sufferers have always dreamed of.
They usually say that if it sounds too good to be true then it must be false, but Proactive skin care products really deliver all that they claim to, offering a real answer to those who suffer from acne.

Find out more about the Best Acne Treatments as well as Acne and acne cures and adult acne treatments at Peter’s website, Acne All Gone.
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How To Properly Use A Proactive Acne Treatment To Quickly And Easily Eliminate Your Zits

It really comes as no surprise that acne is a skin blemish problem that affects millions of adults and teenagers on an everyday basis. For many this is an uncomfortable situation that can sometimes be avoided with the proper acne treatments and skin cleansers.
Unfortunately for many acne sufferers trying to find the most effective zit remedy or pimple fighting solution can be a difficult and sometimes daunting task. To make things worse, with so many acne fighting products for sale in your favorite drugstore the ability to make the right choice doesn’t get any easier. Let's face it with every manufacturer claiming that their acne-fighting product is the best it's extremely difficult to know which pimple formula or skin cleanser is effective at eliminating acne and not actually going to accelerate or increase the acne on your face.
Perhaps the best thing you or anyone suffering from acne, zits and pimples can do is to take a proactive approach and end your acne once and for all. A proactive acne treatment involves knowing how to properly treat your acne symptoms and knowing what to avoid in order to not aggravate your current skin blemish or condition. For example you've probably been told a hundred times to never pop a zit or pimple and yet still many individuals suffering from acne still insists on performing this permanently damaging act to their skin. The best possible way to eliminate acne naturally is to gently wash your face and then lightly dry it without any aggressive scrubbing. This act alone will help clear up your acne quickly and prevent any further outbreaks from occurring.
No matter what acne fighting treatment, solution or regiment you undertake you must follow the instructions for its use explicitly. Simply stated you must find the time to effectively treat and take care of your skin if you harbor any hope of clearing up your acne quickly and easily.
In the event that no matter what acne treatment product you purchase it doesn't seem to help alleviate or clear up your skin blemish or condition then you may need to take another proactive acne treatment step that involves changing some of your current daily living habits such as your diet.
It's common knowledge that acne is caused by oil that collects in your skin pores and blocks them up. This clogging of the pores is ultimately what leads to zits and pimples better known as acne. Oily foods such as greasy hamburgers or junk food has been known to contribute to the acceleration of oil produced by the sebaceous oil glands which is known as a leading cause for comedones or blackheads as they are commonly called.
However, not all oil-producing foods are bad for your skin. In fact, some such as the avocado are known to produce oils that naturally help to keep your skin pores free from getting clogged and thus help to prevent the outbreak of acne and other aggravating skin blemishes.
As you can see a correct and effective proactive acne fighting treatment involves the routine use of an acne cleansing solution, the proper techniques to wash and dry your face and keeping an eye on your daily dietary intake in order to limit the foods that are known to cause an outbreak of acne.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and proactive acne treatments that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
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Proactive Acne Treatment: The Best Solution To Your Acne Problem
The tackling of acne eruptions on the skin can be given a thorough cleanup by using a vigorous proactive approach for its control and medication. The proactive acne treatment is a combination therapy that studies all aspects of the acne problem in order to search out a viable solution.
The first step of proactive treatment in acne relies on the premise that the skin blemish is healed before further steps to check its reappearance are taken in hand. The start point of skin healing in the proactive approach is to examine the ways in which the skin can be cleaned, with the help of an effective skin cleanser.
The ideal cleanser to heal the skin, blemished by acne, is the one that will help exfoliate the skin and expose the dead skin cells. The exfoliated skin can then be treated with benzoyl peroxide as that will kill the bacteria causing acne to appear on the skin surface. The benzoyl peroxide will also be in a position to penetrate the skin pores as the cleanser would have exfoliated the skin sufficiently. This action will not only heal the blemishes but also attack the bacteria, providing a curing and preventive action in one go.
With the immediate problem taken in hand, the next stage of the three-way proactive approach to control acne is, to choose an ideal skin toner. When shopping for the right product, one should look for a skin toner that is alcohol free and is water based. This kind of skin toner will help remove dead skin cells and unplug clogged pores, allowing the skin to remain healthy and acne free. It will also help in the removal of excess oil that usually forms on skin prone to acne eruptions. The application of such a skin tone on a regular basis will thus help balance the skin tone and maintain a skin that is acne free and free of oil imbalance and clogged pores.
In the final stages, when the healing effect is well on the course and the skin is limping back to its original health, steps have to be taken to assist the process and recover the lost ground. In such state, a repairing lotion must be applied regularly on the skin. The skin at this stage is acne free but the scars of blackheads and whiteheads are just skin deep. So, the users are advised to apply oil-free repairing lotion that will heal blackheads and whiteheads, while making the skin glow and acne blemishes, a thing of the past.
To get detailed information on acne, acne treatment and acne medication visit
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