Saturday, August 25, 2007
Zeno Acne Clearing Device
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Zeno Acne Clearing Device is the secret weapon in the war against acne. In fact, for treating acne pimples, it's the most scientifically advanced and effective device available without a prescription.
Zeno clearly outsmarts pimples!
What does Zeno Acne Clearing Device do?
Zeno applies a precisely controlled heat dose directly to the pimple through a metal pad.
How does Zeno Acne Clearing Device work?
Pimples occur when excess skin oil and flaking skin plug the opening of a hair follicle and create the ideal environment for acne bacteria to grow. Precisely controlled heat applied for a specific period of time causes the bacteria to self-destruct. When the bacteria die, the pimple goes away.
How many treatments does Zeno Acne Clearing Device take?
Two to three 2½-minute treatments spread over 24 hours are sufficient for most pimples. Often, only one treatment is needed. When should Zeno be used? Use Zeno at the first sign of a pimple. It works best when used on a pimple in the early stages of development. Also, the sooner pimples are cleared up, the less chance they have to leave scars.
How does Zeno Acne Clearing Device compare with topical or oral treatments?
Zeno Acne Clearing Device can clear up a pimple in just hours. Most other medications can take days or even weeks to work. What's more, other than slight, temporary skin redness, Zeno has none of the side effects described by most topical or oral medications.
Is Zeno Acne Clearing Device safe and painless? Patients included in our clinical trials experienced little reaction to the low-level heat. Other than some temporary skin redness following a treatment cycle, no other adverse side effects were reported. But should you experience any discomfort when using Zeno, discontinue use and consult your skin care professional. Is Zeno all I need for acne? Zeno does not replace good skin hygiene or a doctor's care. It is designed to treat mild to moderate acne. Your doctor may recommend other therapies, depending on the severity of your acne. Follow your doctor's advice and use Zeno for the occasional pimple.
Order Zeno Acne Clearing Device
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Labels: treating acne pimples, Zeno Acne Clearing Device

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally
by Alain Tanguay
Discover how to get rid of pimples naturally for the most effective way to relieve you of this problem once and for all.

Many acne sufferers are taking medication or antibiotics for controlling their acne. While most of the time your pimples are under control taking these drugs, as soon as you stop your acne comes back. Some of these drugs have really nasty side effects also.
The problem with this type of medication is that your body's immune system slowly builds a resistance to the drugs and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. So, while you may think you finally got rid of pimples for good, you may find yourself back to square one. Or take even stronger medication.
Now you can effectively learn how to get rid of pimples naturally without expensive drugs or antibiotics. You can rest assured that getting at the root of the problem is your ticket to finally getting rid of acne for good.
By simply following a few guidelines and eating healthy foods, you can remedy this problem in only a few days in most cases.
Your body is really a reflection of what you eat. If you eat a lot of fast food, you need to cleanse your body to get rid of all the toxins. By eating certain foods you will help your body to cleanse itself and finally be able to get rid of harmful toxins causing your acne.
For teenagers, most of the time your surplus hormones give you a hard time. Your skin becomes oily and your pores get clogged with dirt and toxins. You too will benefit from a good body cleanse. Your liver will be able to handle the excessive hormones once it has finished eliminating the toxins from a poor diet.
Creams offer temporary relief. Again, how to get rid of pimples depends on the way you get to the root cause of your condition. There are many home remedies that will also help you to treat your scars. But your best friend in getting a clear face is helping your liver do it's work and getting rid of all the toxins in your body.
Many treatments are now available and you would be surprised how fast a good diet after an effective body cleanse will help you get rid of acne for good.
By simply using common sense and following a few guidelines you will see dramatic results in a few days.
About the Author
Alain Tanguay has discovered how to get rid of pimples naturally and effectively. To learn more about his secrets go to how to get rid of pimples.
Technorati tags :Acne Treatment Acne Acne-Treatment Acne Care Acne Solution Cosmetics Skin Care Adult Acne Acne Care Acne Medication
Labels: acnope, clearpores, Get Rid Of Pimples, Healthy Pores, Pimples, Proactive Acne Treatment, zenmed derma cleanse system

Successful Acne Treatment Products
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Successful Acne Treatment Products
by Nnamdi Godwin
Acne treatment products are those creams, gels, pills and other preparations used for the successful treatment of acne and all acne variants. Acne treatment products are employed in the cure of spots, pimples, zits and other variants like blackheads, whiteheads and rosacea. These acne treatment products could be home-based preparations [natural acne treatments], plants, roots and herbs [herbal acne treatment] or pharmaceutically prepared acne treatment products.
Most of the common acne treatment products in the market today are either herbal based or made from synthetic materials and hydrocarbons. These acne treatment products can either be single therapy acne treatment products or combination therapy acne treatment products. Single therapy acne treatment products are those acne treatment products that offer just one type of cure like pills or creams or injections. An example of a single therapy acne treatment product is Acnope acne and anti-wrinkle cream which is just a cream.
On the other hand, combination therapy acne treatment products are those acne treatment products that offer multi-pronged approach to acne cure. The composition of such combination acne treatment products include pills, injections, creams, facial masks, gels, etc. as one treatment. Several examples of combination therapy acne treatment products abound.
Combination therapy acne treatment products are good. Single therapy acne treatment products are equally good. Choose what works for you. The bottom line is that whichever acne treatment product you choose cures your acne without causing you unpleasant side effects and leaving acne scars behind.
Another point to consider when deciding on acne treatment products could be whether the product is herbal-based or made from artificial materials and hydrocarbons. While no type is bad, most [if not all] herbal-based acne treatment products do not give you unpleasant side effects because they are organic in nature. However, you must read the labels to know the herbal combinations of these acne treatment products to avoid ingesting or topically applying herbs you are allergic to. Artificial-based acne treatment products also do the job. However, where clinical trials were not fully carried out prior to release of the product or where such trials were inconclusive, you may be faced with unpleasant side effects that may be worse than acne. In other cases, such acne treatment products may be labeled supplements to avoid scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration.
In all cases, pregnant women must consult with their doctor before using any drugs and supplements including acne treatment products unless such drugs and supplements are clearly labeled suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers. You will not lose anything but anxiety if you still take such correctly labeled products to your doctor.
Which acne treatment products are the best? The acne treatment products that remove your acne and prevent acne from recurring should be the best one for you. How do you identify such best acne treatment products? Read reviews and anecdotal evidence to decide the best acne treatment product for a successful acne treatment. One of such acne treatment products we have found to be effective and successful in treating acne is ClearPores skin cleansing system. It is beyond our duty to say more but we invite you to discover for yourself why we have recommended ClearPores skin cleansing system as the acne treatment products of choice.
Technorati tags :Acne Treatment Acne Acne-Treatment Acne Care Acne Solution Cosmetics Skin Care Adult Acne Acne Care Acne Medication
Labels: Acne treatment prooducts, acnope, Healthy Pores, Successful, Successful Acne Treatment, Successful Acne Treatment Products, zenmed derma cleanse system

Successful Laser Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
5 Steps for Successful Laser Acne Treatment
By Karen Garmon
Laser acne treatment has gained a considerable amount of popularity among teenagers and adults who suffer from moderate to severe acne and acne scarring. There are a number of reasons why it has become popular, but before you rush into making a decision to use laser acne treatment, learn as much as you can about the procedure first. There are steps you ought to take prior to receiving laser treatments if you choose to use them, as well as steps you ought to take afterwards. This will increase the likelihood that laser acne treatment will be as effective as you had hoped.
Step 1: Learn as much as you can about laser acne treatment. There is nothing wrong with educating yourself about a particular medical procedure prior to making a decision whether or not it is right for you. Laser acne treatment is a relatively simple, commonly performed outpatient procedure and there is a lot of existing information available to you. There are a large number of informative web sites with good descriptions of the types of laser treatments available, the types of acne and acne scars best suited for laser acne treatment, and what to expect during a laser acne treatment procedure. If you do not have access to the Internet, or your Internet access is occasional, you will also be able to find information about the different aspects of laser acne treatment at your local library.
Step 2: Find the right dermatologist. A dermatologist, or skin doctor, is a specialist who treats a variety of common and uncommon skin diseases. To find a qualified provider in your area, you can look up websites that contain a list of board-certified dermatologists. Once you have identified one or more dermatologists, you may want to call your state's medical board to find out if anyone has filed any complaints against them. If you have friends who see a dermatologist, you may want to ask their opinion and if they would recommend him or her. Once you have made an initial consultation appointment with a provider who offers laser acne treatment, you will want to make sure you feel you can communicate with him or her comfortably and easily. You will also want to make sure your provider takes you seriously and answers all of your questions.
Step 3: Keep all of your appointments and follow your dermatologist's instructions. Laser acne treatment generally involves multiple appointments, not just one. Your dermatologist may want you to come in for three, four, or five treatments, spaced two to three weeks apart. In addition, he or she may instruct you to limit your sun exposure for two weeks prior to your treatments, as well as limit your sun exposure during the course of your treatments and for two weeks after your treatments are done.
Step 4: Continue to take of your skin as you are undergoing treatment. Also, do not hesitate to speak up for yourself during your treatment. Your dermatologist may prescribe additional medications for you while you are undergoing laser acne treatment. If you have any questions about these medications, do speak up. In addition, if the procedure is uncomfortable, let your dermatologist know. Laser acne treatment is not supposed to be painful. However, some have compared the laser's sensation to a rubber band snapping on their skin. Others have described it as a tingling sensation. You can ask your dermatologist to apply a topical anesthetic before the procedure.
Step 5: Continue taking care of your skin once the laser acne treatment is over. If your dermatologist has prescribed other medications for you, keep taking them. In addition, continue to follow a good skin care regiment at home. It is important to remember that laser acne treatment is not a cure-all, and does not get rid of acne forever.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to serve as medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your doctor.
To learn more, visit, if you are looking for information on laser acne treatments
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Labels: Acne Medication, Acne treatment prooducts, Successful Acne Treatment, Successful Laser Acne Treatment, Teenage Acne Treatment

Successful Teenage Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Seeking A Successful Teenage Acne Treatment
By Bob Gill
As we know, acne is particularly widespread among teenagers. What youngster has not sought a successful teenage acne treatment and hoped like crazy that his acne will vanish overnight once he thinks he has found a solution? A successful remedy, though, is not so easy to find.
What causes acne and why is it particularly predominant among teenagers? The causes are linked to body changes as young people progress from childhood to adolescence. Certain hormonal changes produce an over-abundance of sebaceous oil, which clogs hair follicles.
Bacteria multiply quickly in the clogged hair follicles and this situation can produce skin inflammation. Should the wall of a follicle collapse, then inflammation erupts in the surrounding skin. This process, then, can lead to blackheads, pimples - acne.
Not only teenagers suffer from acne. As the cause of acne is linked to excess sebaceous oil - and many adults suffer from oily skin - then some adults get acne too. Successful acne treatment is needed for both young and old.
Although excess skin oil and build-up of dead cells may indicate dirty skin, dirt is not the cause of acne. It is recommended that oily skin be cleansed gently with mild soap and water twice daily, but this action alone will not eliminate acne.
Improper cleaning of your skin can lead to blackheads as these are formed through ingrained dirt and inadequate cleaning. Avoid washing your face too much, though, as this action can over-activate the oil glands. Use naturally prepared cleansers or a gentle exfoliant to remove dead cells.
There are a number of treatments suitable for oily skin:
• Benzoyl Peroxide - This treatment involves attacking the bacteria causing acne, drying up the clogged pores. The strength of this treatment may cause side effects, though, like rashes or skin color changes.
• Retinoids - An effective treatment for oily skin, but may give side effects of dryness and redness.
• Oil wipes - Work by absorbing excess oil on the top surface of your skin.
• Astringents - By ensuring that harmful chemicals are absent from the formulation, astringents can be very effective in removing excess oils.
What we eat can have a dramatic effect on your skin. Any successful teenage acne treatment must include a diet that will eliminate body wastes efficiently. Our liver's job is to remove hormones and toxins quickly. If this elimination is done too slowly, there can be a build-up of toxins.
Certain foods can minimize acne when taken internally or when applied directly to affected areas. Omega oils, or fatty acids, have anti-inflammatory properties that can greatly relieve acne, for example.
On the other hand, vegetable oil has been found to upset the body's hormonal balance. Digesting vegetable oil can lead to mild or even severe cystic acne. As vegetable oil is an ingredient in several foods, you need to check the make-up of what you are buying.
There are number of foods that can be used as direct skin applications. A paste of nutmeg and milk, for example, is effective in removing pimples. A paste of honey and cinnamon in the proportion of 3:1 is a similar effective remedy.
Following proper hygiene and controlling what we eat are just simple things we can do on a daily basis to improve the look of our skin.
To get rid of acne permanently, there is a product that uses a natural approach and offers a 100% success rate guarantee. No product can guarantee a 100% success rate for everyone, but this program has a 98% success rate with nearly 500,000 customers, so is worth checking out.

Bob Gill is an online marketer operating a website at Because of a personal skin ailment he has researched skin care problems and suggested solutions in an effort to find a satisfactory remedy for himself. Hopefully the remedy at will assist acne sufferers to get rid of acne permanently.
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Technorati tags :Acne Treatment Acne Acne-Treatment Acne Care Acne Solution Cosmetics Skin Care Adult Acne Acne Care Acne Medication
Labels: Acne, Acne Medication, Acne treatment prooducts, Successful, Successful Acne Treatment, Teenage Acne Treatment, zenmed derma cleanse system

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Successful Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Acne treatment products are those creams, gels, pills and other preparations used for the treatment of acne and all acne variants. Acne treatment products are employed in the cure of spots, pimples, zits and other variants like blackheads, whiteheads and rosacea. These acne treatment products could be home-based preparations [natural acne treatments], plants, roots and herbs [herbal acne treatment] or pharmaceutically prepared acne treatment products.

Most of the common acne treatment products in the market today are either herbal based or made from synthetic materials and hydrocarbons. These acne treatment products can either be single therapy acne treatment products or combination therapy acne treatment products. Single therapy acne treatment products are those acne treatment products that offer just one type of cure like pills or creams or injections. An example of a single therapy acne treatment product is Acnope acne and anti-wrinkle cream which is just a cream.

On the other hand, combination therapy acne treatment products are those acne treatment products that offer multi-pronged approach to acne cure. The composition of such combination acne treatment products include pills, injections, creams, facial masks, gels, etc. as one treatment. Several examples of combination therapy acne treatment products abound.
Successful acne treatment is possible with good acne treatment products. Adult acne as well as teen acne treatment products are treated with proactive acne treatment at .

Technorati tags :Acne Treatment Acne Acne-Treatment Acne Care Acne Solution Cosmetics Skin Care Adult Acne Acne Care Acne Medication
Labels: Acne, Acne treatment prooducts, Proactive Acne Treatment, Successful Acne Treatment